Saturday, January 23, 2010


Eek, January! Is it time to set goals? I am not a goal setter because I know I'll let myself down. So, why bother??

I *do* want to post more, which means I need to be busy with HM stuff!! And actually have kind of been.

I put together a last minute Mystery Hostess party on a school holiday, but was unattended. I do want to reach the 500 Club because it's a one month period instead of 3. After that happens, I don't know! I amazingly added a new team member, Melody, who is a member of Best of Boards. We've not had any interaction that I can recall, she lives in Iowa! I posted some info about HM in the scrapbooking forum and she followed my link and signed a few weeks later, much to my surprise! But, by doing so, Presidents Club is reachable because that's $1000 and a new consultant or $2000, with again just one month qualification instead of 3.

I placed a personal order of about $200 and Melody's sign up added $50 to my GPV.

The order I placed a week before Christmas took over 2 weeks, which was disappointing. I later learned that ordering various product types causes delays. Um, ok. But, the cards were cool and got mailed out - positive feedback from a few who received them.

The planner is also getting rave reviews; my mom asked for the exact same one, which obviously would be easy, but am going to make a different one for her. Her friend Benny wants a bracelet like hers, too. I am making a swatch book of Wyatt's favorite things.

I was asked to participate in a bridal fair, which put me in a rush to complete the wedding book. Thankfully it arrived in time for the fair!

I finished the thank you notes for school and tiles for the appreciation event. I'll get those published along with some other items, despite knowing it will take longer to have various products ordered *rolleyes*.

I think I might also order V-day playing cards for Jessie. Joey isn't interested. I also have some 12X18 poster credits for each of the kids to make a family tree. Scanned LOTS of photos for my mom and there are some really old family ones in there. I'm sending a disc to my dad, of the ones he might want to see.

Ms. Riha is having a scanning party on the 31st, which is also mom's craft day. I'm going to a baby shower that afternoon as well.