Monday, December 21, 2009

Completed Projects

I created Christmas cards (printing 50)

1 12X12 to embellish (just trying to get one on hand)

2010 Calendar

Bracelet for my mom's birthday, which will be late

Miley Cyrus concert fold


Hector, auction donation for Best of Boards

As of this writing, they are in the process of being printed. The cards will be sent to me so I can sign them and use up some stamps, but next year hopefully I'll be on the ball and get them completed early and have Heritage Makers ship them to my address book.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Since then...

I held my grand opening on November 15th, of the 10 people who confirmed attending, only 5 were able to show. The sales ended up at $213 and I received $50 free, which I used to purchase the bracelet for my mom as a gift.

I did have some interest in holding shows, and I have yet to follow up on all of them - yikes!! I was to have one show today, Nov 28, but it has been rescheduled. So, the deposit on my kit hasn't been paid for :(

As far as projects, I completed the bracelet and a family fold, which was the Miley Cyrus concert Jessie and I went to. I am also working on 52 ways to use the playing cards and a 2010 planner. None have been printed yet since I figured I'd do them all at once. Also considering a 5X7 album since it's one of the credits I have as part of the kit. Possibly a 12X12 or two.

I need to follow up to schedule workshops and 1 on 1's!!! I might have to do that at home again.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm Back!

My Heritage Makers business is renewed!

I signed up as a consultant back in 2005 because I thought I would do something with it and never did, so went inactive. Sorry Amy!

I still had friends in the scrapbooking industry and Jennifer Stratton has returned to my life and proposed the business to me, knowing my experience in direct sales. Despite my experience in direct sales (haha), I decided to give this another try. I am on Jen's team...sorry again Amy!

I am curious about where this will take me - if nothing, I will have published some great books and learned more about digital scrapbooking.